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Aantal resultaten: 7( DE:"transgender geschiedenis" )


The $10,000 Woman : Trans Artifacts in the Pittsburgh Queer History Project Archive  / Harrison Apple.

TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly, 2 (2015) 4 (nov), p. 553-564
bron: TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly jaargang: 2 (2015) 4 (nov), p. 553-564
samenvatting: The Pittsburgh Queer History Project (PQHP) began as an urban archaeological dig of an abandoned after-hours social club. The detritus collected helped construct a history of working-class Pittsburgh, including the lives and labor of trans bodies in the Steel City. A recent exhibition by the PQHP, Lucky after Dark, presented a cross-section of this archive, including a newly acquired slide collection from social clubs between 1967 and 1990. Amounting to several thousand photographs taken at three clubs owned by Robert 'Lucky' Johns, as well as hundreds of hours of video, it is a uniquely rich documentation of a subcultural community spanning over thirty years. The author discusses a critical shift in my handling of these archival materials, beginning with a slide show entitled 'The $10,000 Woman'. The incorporation of oral histories by trans women in the photograph archive turned what was originally indexed as a record of gay entertainment into a nuanced narration of transsexual history in 1970s Pittsburgh.

signatuur: ts.

The $10,000 Woman : Trans Artifacts in the Pittsburgh Queer History Project Archive
Harrison Apple.
TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly

tin*stories: Trans | inter | nicht-binäre Geschichte(n) seit 1900  / 

Joy Reißner, Orlando Meier-Brix (Hg.).Münster: Assemblage, 2022 - 192 p.: ill.
uitgave: Münster: Assemblage, 2022 - 192 p.: ill.
samenvatting: Trans*, inter* und nichtbinär - sicher kein Trend! Das zeigt ein Blick in unsere Geschichte. Dort begegnen uns viele Menschen, Medien und Erzählungen, die uns heute empowern, berühren und zum Nachdenken anregen. Da gab es zum Beispiel Karl M. Baer, der ein Buch über sein Leben als inter* Person veröffentlichte. Oder Liddy Bacroff, die als trans* Frau und Sexarbeiter*in im Nationalisozialismus verfolgt wurde und ihre Erfahrungen niederschrieben. Oder Cornelia, die in den 1980ern in ihrem Tagebuch das Coming Out verarbeitet. Die Autor*innen machen diese Geschichten sichtbar und ermutigen die Leser*innen, selbst auf Spurensuche zu gehen.

signatuur: cat. (reiss/tin) b


tin*stories: Trans | inter | nicht-binäre Geschichte(n) seit 1900
cat. (reiss/tin) b ODE3
Joy Reißner, Orlando Meier-Brix (Hg.).

Transerfgoed : Interview met Alex Bakker  / Mars Planting ; Alex Bakker.

Trans, 4 (2021) 1 (aug), p. 8-17
bron: Trans jaargang: 4 (2021) 1 (aug), p. 8-17
samenvatting: Historicus Alex Bakker zet zich in voor het onderzoeken en in kaart brengen van de transgeschiedenis in Nederland. Deze geschiedenis wordt zichtbaar door het behoud van trans-erfgoed: verhalen en objecten die iets vertellen over hoe het is om trans te zijn in een bepaalde tijd en plaats. Dergelijke verhalen en objecten worden tentoongesteld aan de hand van een reizende tentoonstelling Een bijzondere geschiedenis: Transgender in Nederland. Een deel van de objecten komt uit de collectie van IHLIA.

signatuur: ts.

Transerfgoed : Interview met Alex Bakker
Mars Planting ; Alex Bakker.

Provincializing Trans Studies  / Shiv Datt Sharma.

TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly, 10 (2023) 1 (feb), p. 10-15
bron: TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly jaargang: 10 (2023) 1 (feb), p. 10-15
samenvatting: In this short essay, the author calls for a provincialization of trans studies by rethinking the framework of the liberal humanist ontological self as the given basis for understanding trans experience. Briefly describing the neglect of non-Western epistemologies and practices in canonical trans studies in the United States, the author argues that turning our attention to these modes of selfhood, identity, and embodiment, such as conceived within hijra cultures in India, would be useful in lending productive directions for future work within the field. The author suggests that this work should be undertaken not with the sole purpose of expanding the geographic contours of the field, but in the spirit of destabilizing and de-essentializing what the signifier trans itself represents.

signatuur: ts.

Provincializing Trans Studies
Shiv Datt Sharma.
TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly

Staying Backward with the History of Camptown Trans Sex Work  / Sooyoung Kim.

TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly, 10 (2023) 1 (feb), p. 23-27
bron: TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly jaargang: 10 (2023) 1 (feb), p. 23-27
samenvatting: Yangssaekshi (Western bride), Yanggongju (Western princess), and Yangggalbo (Western whore), also translated as "Camptown sex worker," are the terms for South Korean women who provided sexual and service labor to the US soldiers during and after the Korean War. Yet buried here is a trans sex worker's history. What did it take for the contemporary South Korean trans community and trans studies globally to become detached from Camptown sex workers' knowledge and sociality? How has a certain universalized understanding of transness in trans studies alienated scholarship from Camptown sex workers' knowledge and blocked us South Koreans from positioning ourselves in the conventional trans genealogy? How has our omission preconditioned trans studies? Guided by decolonial trans scholarship, this essay thinks of the temporal narrativization of trans discourse, one that includes critical trans studies, that has formulated its own discursive territory through trans as a geopolitical marker of modernity.

signatuur: ts.

Staying Backward with the History of Camptown Trans Sex Work
Sooyoung Kim.
TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly

Program for a Transgender Existentialism  / Penelope Haulotte.

TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly, 10 (2023) 1 (feb), p. 32-41
bron: TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly jaargang: 10 (2023) 1 (feb), p. 32-41
samenvatting: Trans theory is characterized in part by the apparent tension between discursive analyses of cisgender society and phenomenological descriptions of trans experiences. While traditional inquiry into the history of philosophy proposes an interminable opposition between phenomenology and discourse analysis, Henry Rubin's alternative suggestion is that within the domain of trans studies these methods are complementary. Discourse analysis and phenomenology converge in trans studies because they are submitted to the same ethical and political imperative: the systematic development of the trans archive. Both discourse analysis and phenomenology as methods in trans studies are directed toward the development of a genuinely trans history, perspective, and theory, with special methodological consideration of the way that this perspective is misunderstood or obscured by dominant frameworks within cisgender society. In what follows, the author provides a brief reconstruction of two major interventions in trans phenomenology, demonstrating that each is carefully concerned with distinctly archival considerations. The author further argues that each project remains unfinished because of an incomplete bracketing of medicalized cisgender concepts. The article then proposes a brief alternative program aimed at the full suspension of cisgender categories that the author calls transgender existentialism.

signatuur: ts.

Program for a Transgender Existentialism
Penelope Haulotte.
TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly

De Heilige Gender : Indonesische transculturen  / Saskia E. Wieringa.

Groene 07-12-2023, p. 42-45
bron: Groene 07-12-2023, p. 42-45
samenvatting: Dat heteroseksualtieti wereldwijd de norm is, is iets van de laatste paar eeuwen en afkomstig uit het Westen. In veel andere culturen was genderverscheidenheid veel gewoner. Zoals in Indonesië.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (wieri/hei)

De Heilige Gender : Indonesische transculturen
dgb artikelen (wieri/hei)
Saskia E. Wieringa.


( DE:"transgender geschiedenis" )

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